Library Media Center Mission Statement:
The mission of the elementary school library media center is to provide students with the skills to become competent seekers of information and develop a love of reading. In addition, the library's collection is intended to both support the district curriculum and offer students recreational reading materials.
Library Policies:
Book Check Out
Students may check out the following number of books each week:
EC-1 = 1 book
Grades 2-3 = 2 books
Grades 4-5 = 3 books
All books are due the following library class. At this time, students may choose to renew the book(s) for an additional week or choose a new book(s). Students will not be permitted to check out new books until prior books have been returned.
Overdue Books
The library does not charge fines for overdue books. However, we will request reimbursement for lost or damaged materials to cover the cost of replacement. Please return books in a timely manner to be sure they are available for all students.